Intellectual Property Services

Copyright Registration India

Copyright safeguards creativity. Creativity is the keystone of progress. Social and economic development of a society is dependent on creativity. The protection provided by copyright to the efforts of artists, writers, designers, musicians, dramatists, architects and producers of sound recordings, computer software, cinematography films, ad films, animation films, creates an atmosphere conducive to creativity, which induces them to create more and motivate others to create.
IP Consultants, Copyright infringement lawyers and Copyright Attorneys at Zwapall are thorough on Indian copyright laws and can assist a copyright holder in registering, protecting, managing and enforcing his rights.

What is Copyright?

Copyright is a legal right that protects original works of authorship, such as literature, music, software and art.

What can be Copyrighted in India?

Any publication work such as Catalogues, brochures, Literary work/books, Speeches, photographs, CDs and Computer Programs/ Software/ Software codes, Websites, Animation Cartoons, 3D Animation Films & Movies, etc., can be registered as Copyright.

The color combination, style of writing & get up of the brand name, logo, or label, product wrapper can be registered as Copyright.

Why should I register Copyright in India?

If you have worked for something then you need to protect it. Copyright your creations to protect your logo design, artistic work,  books,  software, films, song or music, animation, ad film, etc. This helps you to promote your creations in a competitive market and also to monetize it. Otherwise, your creations will be pirated thereby causing a heavy fall in your profitability. It is suggested to protect your investment by registering your work under the Copyright Act without delay.

How do I register a Copyright India? 

File an application with the Copyright Office, including details about the work and the creator.

Is Copyright registration mandatory ?

No, copyright protection is automatic upon creation, but registration provides additional legal benefits.

How long does a Copyright Registration last in India ?

It is valid for min.60 years and max Lifetime + 50 years. Copyright need not be renewed. Literary & artistic works will be valid in 178 countries out of 195 countries.

How long it will take to register?

From the time Copyright Office India receives the application, it will start processing. Time taken by the Copyright Office for processing applications is around 3 months - 10 months.

What is Copyright infringement?

Copyright infringement occurs when a protected work is used without the permission of the copyright owner.

How can I enforce my Copyright?

Copyright owners can take legal action against infringers.

Can I transfer my Copyright?

Yes, copyrights can be transferred or licensed to others.

What is fair use?

Fair use allows limited use of copyrighted material without permission for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research.

How do I check if a work is copyrighted?

You can search the Copyright Office’s records or contact the creator.

Can I copyright title or name?

No, titles, names, short phrases, and slogans cannot be copyrighted. You can register it as a Trademark. Mascot, Logo etc. can be registered as copyright after obtaining NOC from Trademark Registry.

What is the cost of Copyright registration in India?

The fee varies based on the type of work and whether legal assistance is used and the quality of Copyright Attorneys

What is the role of a Copyright Attorney?

Copyright attorneys assist with registration, provide legal advice, and help enforce copyright rights.

How can I protect my work Internationally?

Copyright protection is automatic in many countries under international treaties

What rights does copyright grant?

Copyright grants the right to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, and create derivative works.

Is Copyright infringement a criminal offense?

Yes. Any person who knowingly infringes or abets the infringement of the Copyright in any work commits a criminal offense under Sec. 63 of the Copyright Act. 1957.

What are the punishments for a criminal offense under the Copyright law?

The minimum punishment of infringement of Copyright is imprisonment not less than six months with the minimum fine of Rs.50,000/-. In case of a second conviction the minimum punishment is for one year and a fine of Rs. 1 lakh.

What all civil remedies available for the owner of Copyright?

  • Obtaining an injunction against the infringer
  • Seizing infringing copies and equipment’s used for printing
  • Claim heavy damages.

Stages involved in Copyright registration.

Stage 1

Preparing necessary documents and filing the same with the Copyright Office, New Delhi.

Stage 2

After Stage I, the Registry might raise its own objection and seek a reply from the applicant.

Stage 3

If the Registrar is convinced with the submissions, the applicant’s work will be published in the Gazette.

Stage 4

After publishing the work in the Gazette, they will wait for a few months.

Stage 5

If no opposition is filed by anyone, the Certificate will be issued and you will be the exclusive owner of the work.


  • 3 copies of your work.
  • Name, Age, Father’s name, address, and nationality of the Applicant.
  • Nature of the Applicant's interest in the copyright of the work.
  • Language of the Work.
  • Description of the work.
  • Title of the work.
  • Details regarding the prior publication of the work.
  • Power of Authorization to Copyright Attorney.
  • Official fees & professional charges (to be paid at the time of entrusting the work )
  • No objection from parties who may have the right in the work. Eg: Publisher?  

Copyright Offices:

  • Copyright Office Delhi, Govt. of India:

    Registrar of Copyrights,
    4th Floor, Jeevan Deep Building,
    Parliament Street,
    New Delhi - 110001

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